neuCentrIX Joined IDPRO: A Collaboration for Indonesia’s Stronger Digital Capabilities
Juli 30 2021 01.07

Starting from 16 July 2021, neuCentrIX has officially joined the Indonesia Data Center Provider Organization, or IDPRO. IDPRO was established in June 2016 for a noble purpose: uniting and harmonizing all organizations in the data center industry in Indonesia and bringing out their potentials to make Indonesia the biggest digital, data-sovereign nation in the region. Now, along with other IDPRO prominent members, neuCentrIX will take part in realizing this good intention.
IDPRO is an association of various organizations and individuals which comprise the rapidly growing data center industry in Indonesia, from vendors and providers (data center providers, internet service providers, etc.), corporations and institutions (government institutions, education institutions, etc.), to the industry experts and professionals. IDPRO, which is currently headquartered in Jakarta, was founded by seven influential organizations in the industry to support the implementation of the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2012 regarding the Implementation of Electronic System and Transactions (PP 82/2012 tentang Penyelenggaraan Sistem dan Transaksi Elektronik). That is why, one of IDPRO’s main agendas is to prepare, establish, and implement the National Data Center Standardization and Certification for data center professionals in Indonesia.
IDPRO is led by Hendra Suryakusuma (the CEO of one of Indonesia’s leading data center companies as the Chief, along with Teddy Sukardi (an expert IT Consultant and the Chairman of Ikatan Konsultan Teknologi Informasi Indonesia) as the General Secretary, and Stephanus Oscar (an IT professional at one of the biggest data center companies in the country) as the Treasurer. With their extensive experience in the ICT industry, this board of leaders is trusted to bring IDPRO and its members to actively contribute to the development of Indonesia’s ICT ecosystem.
To be registered as a member of IDPRO, an organization must meet two main requirements. First, it must be a legal entity established under the law of the Republic of Indonesia. Second, it must be a company that is engaged in the data center infrastructure management, provision, or services field OR a government institution OR an educational institution in Indonesia. IDPRO currently has more than ten members which consist of several notable data center and internet service providers in the country, including neuCentrIX. In its future development, IDPRO is aiming to collaborate with more companies, institutions, academics, and professionals including government agencies like the Ministry of Communication and Information, the Ministry of Defense, the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN), and the Telecommunications Society (MASTEL).
As a member of IDPRO, neuCentrIX is set to receive a number of benefits. One, neuCentrIX will be prioritized in the efforts to accelerate every decision concerning the regulations which affect the development of the country’s data center industry. Second, neuCentrIX will receive the latest news regarding the country’s data center industry, including regulation drafts and proposals, new published regulations and decrees, and other important information related to the industry. Third, neuCentrIX will receive information on the involvement of IDPRO at regional and international levels. Next, neuCentrIX will be able to attend exclusive events with limited participants including training sessions, educational programs, and exhibitions which are facilitated by IDPRO’s partners. Finally, neuCentrIX will be able to develop business connections and networks with major players in the data center industry in Indonesia.
To sum up, joining IDPRO will be a great opportunity for neuCentrIX to grow and become an even more prominent organization. Through IDPRO, neuCentrIX will be able to prove its commitment in developing the nation’s digital and ICT ecosystem, boost its digital capabilities, and accelerate digital transformation in Indonesia.

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