neuCentrIX Won The Best Data Center at the Selular Award 2021
Agustus 14 2021 01.41

neuCentrIX has just won The Best Data Center award at the Selular Award 2021. The Selular Award is an annual event held by Selular Media Network, a national media platform which specializes in news, stories, and updates about the ICT sector, and this year’s Selular Award is the 18th awarding ceremony. Titled Accelerate Digital Business Transformation, the awarding ceremony was held virtually and broadcasted via live streaming on the Selular TV YouTube channel on Wednesday, 7 Juli 2021.
Started in 2003, the Selular Award is a way for Selular Media Network to show some appreciation to the ICT industry and every company involved in it — telecommunication and network operators, digital service providers, and other technology companies — for their contribution in providing the best products and services to people in Indonesia. As stated by Uday Rayana, the Editor in Chief and CEO of Selular Media Network, “Since its very first event, the Selular Award has been well received by the players in the ICT industry as it has served as a performance parameter and achievement. It has encouraged healthy competition in the industry. Taking the theme Accelerate Digital Business Transformation, the 18th Selular Award is a reflection for the actors of the ICT industry in navigating the business challenges and dynamics which often change. This new era has become not only a challenge but also an opportunity for the telecommunication and digital business in the country to work based on what the consumers want and need.”
Through the 18th Selular Award, Selular Media Network handed out a total of 44 awards which are divided into six award categories: Smartphone, IoT, Operator, Technology, Application, and Special Award. Each award winner was assessed by an editorial panel team and chosen from several nominees in each category via an online survey on the Selular.ID website. This year, the poll was conducted from 17 May to 18 June 2021, involving 878 respondents in major cities in several provinces of Indonesia including DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, and Lampung.
As the winner of The Best Data Center award, neuCentrIX has all the qualities a data center provider should offer: a wide range of products, competitive price, value-added services, and wide coverage. With 14 data centers located in strategic areas in big and productive cities across Indonesia — Jakarta, Medan, Batam, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar, Manado, Semarang, Pekanbaru, and Banjarmasin, neuCentriX has become one of data center providers with the biggest network and coverage in the country which has the capacity and capabilities to fully support various businesses’ digital activities. Through neuCentrIX, Telkom Indonesia hopes to show its commitment to develop the nation’s digital ecosystem, boost its digital capabilities, and accelerate digital transformation in Indonesia. These strengths and qualities are what makes neuCentrIX deserves to be chosen as The Best Data Center.

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